Monday, September 24, 2007

A bus load of Bungies

In about 10 minutes 50 to 70 Bungie employees are expected to show up, and this already-crazy event might just explode. Brian Jarrard, Bungie’s director of franchise and community affairs, told me this as we avoided being run over by a Red Bull truck. It’s strange to see Red Bull here since Microsoft partnered with Mountain Dew to sell Game Fuel in the run-up to the Halo 3 launch. Maybe there will be a rumble.


Jarrard said the tough work on the game has been done for quite a while, and many Bungie guys and gals have been on vacation prior to the launch. But they’re back now, he said, and the team will continue working on its new projects in the coming weeks.

What are those projects, I asked.

Well, there’s the Peter Jackson Halo project – whatever that is - and downloadable content for Halo 3.

"It’s pretty safe to assume that there will be downloadable content for Halo 3," Jarrard said. Sounds like confirmation to me.

As for this event, Jarrard was here for Halo 2, but this is much bigger he says.

Time to get back to the line. Those Bungie employees should be here soon. Maybe one of them will tell me what that Peter Jackson project is all about ... probably not.

Oh, and here’s what the Bungie business cards look like (with my thumb over the personal information.) I guess when you can get hundreds of people to line up for your product you also get cool business cards.

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- Brian Alexander

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