Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Time to stop and admire the scenery

We just finished the third chapter -- about a third of the way through the game. We figured this would be a good time to check out the saved films and screenshot feature on Bungie.net. That screenshot above is from the first 10 minutes of the game. Does the scenery look familiar? Times columnist Brier Dudley would say so. Honestly it's a little difficult to stop and smell the roses when you're being shot at.

We died

In retrospect that first level was a little rough. We did quite a bit of dying before we started to understand the enemy artificial intelligence. We're playing on Legendary, the hardest difficulty, and sometimes I forget that I'm playing against a machine and not some other human across the Internet. But if you are able to take down without being taken down the game has plenty of rewards.

New with Halo 3 is a cooperative scoring system that awards points for kills against the computer AI and subtracts points if you die or "accidentally" kill your teammate. Each player has his or her own score and the game keeps track of your totals for each level. You can check out my campaign history here and Nate's history here. As you can see I haven't been doing as well, but in my defense Nate has been stealing all my kills.

We have much more to talk about, but honestly, I want to get back to playing the game. We'll check back in a bit.

- Brian Alexander

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